2022 His Excellency, General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd)
Browse other keynotes I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, the Kaurna People of the Adelaide Plains, and pay …
2021 Wing Commander Sharon Bown (Ret’d)
Good morning ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys, distinguished guests. I welcome the veterans who have served, those that continue to serve and …
2017 The Honourable Dr Brendan Nelson AO
Bangka Day 75th anniversary memorial service at the Australian War Memorial by the Honourable Dr Brendan Nelson AO, Director of the Australian War …
2014 Dr Barbara Orchard
Dr Barbara Orchard is an Old Scholar of Mitcham Primary and Wilderness Schools, is a medical graduate from Adelaide University and has a …
2013 His Excellency Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce
His Excellency Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce, Governor of South Australia. Acknowledge: The Hon Gail Gago MLC, Minister for Status of Women The Hon …
2008 Brigadier Rob Atkinson
BUSHIDO CODE JOHN F KENNEDY “THE AIR WE BREATHE” First part is to thank those who invited me to speak to acknowledge the …
2006 Harry Medlin
Thank you Colonel. Your Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Minister Key, Mayor of the City of Marion, Fellow POW’s, Dr Chapman, Deputy Commissioner, Service …