Support Us

As a volunteer, not-for-profit organisation, we rely on small government grants and the generosity of our members and community who ensure we can continue to keep our organisation running.

Becoming a member is an easy way to make an ongoing commitment to our organisation.


Support our work.

Making once-off, tax-deductible donation is a great way to help us honour the memory of the women who lost their lives, and ensure the Bangka Strait Massacre is never forgotten.

For donation enquires, please contact our President, Helen Fischer.


If are a new member, click below to download a membership form. For existing members, follow the link below to pay annual membership fees.

Annual membership costs $25 and all proceeds help us host our annual service and upkeep of the memorial and grounds, as well as hosting cricket, soccer, lacrosse, hockey, and tennis for the local clubs and teams that benefit from these fields.

For membership questions and enquires, please contact our President, Helen Fischer:

Phone: 0413 348 445
Email [email protected]

Existing Members