The SA Women’s Memorial Playing Fields Trust is a volunteer-run organisation dedicated educating the community about the Bangka Strait Massacre and to honour and remember the women who served and those who made the supreme sacrifice for our country from the Navy, Army and Air Force.

Resources for Our Community

The Returned & Services League (RSL) was formed to care for the health and well-being of the Service and Ex-Service community for life and commemorate the sacrifices of the past.

Australian War Memorial
The Australian War Memorial combines a shrine, a world-class museum, and an extensive archive. The Memorial’s purpose is to commemorate the sacrifice of those Australians who have died in war.

Australian Army Nursing Service
Established in July of 1902, the Australian Army Nursing Service (AANS) was a reserve, staffed by volunteer civilian nurses who would be available for duty during times of national emergency.

Women’s Royal Australian Navy Service
The Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service (WRANS) was a non-combat branch of the Royal Australian Navy that, liike many of its sister services created during the Second World War, alleviated manpower shortages resulting from men being assigned to combat roles.

Virtual War Memorial Australia
A six-part podcast series about the commemoration of Australian Army Nursing Service (AANS) sisters who were murdered at Bangka Island after the evacuation of Singapore. Presented and produced by Australian remembrance podcast maker Megan Spencer.

SACA (South Australia Cricket Association)
Two organisations that have been instrumental in assisting the Trust to manage and develop the playing fields.

Women’s Australian Auxiliary Air Force
The Women’s Auxiliary Australian Air Force (WAAAF) was the first and largest of the World War II Australian Women’s Services and was formed in 1941 after considerable lobbying by women keen to serve and the Chief of Air Staff who wanted to release male personnel serving in Australia for service overseas.

May Mills OBE (1890-1984)
May Mills was a member of the S.A. Women’s Amateur Sports Council and served as President for seven years. She also served as President of the Australian Women’s Cricket Council and the S.A. Women’s Cricket Association. May helped to finance the Memorial Playing Fields.

Office for Recreation and Sport
The Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing is the South Australia’s lead government agency for sport, recreation and racing.